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MTB - fundamentals

I will teach you these basic skills: Weight distribution, body positioning, braking, flat cornering

1 h 30 min
175 US dollars
Kingston - New Paltz - Saugerties Area

Service Description

-One or two person included at this price. -Each additional rider is $ 80.- (max of five riders) -Course length is 90 minutes Learning the fundamentals of Mountain Biking are important. There is nothing worse than a overconfident low skilled rider that purely relies on expensive equipment to bail him/her out. No matter what bike you have, I will teach you the following skills: -body and bike separation -pedal and foot positions -most effective braking and reflex training -how to corner. What comes first? Lean or steer into it??? -how to bail and dismount on a steep up or downhill -efficient shifting, pedaling and cadence -preloading and unweighting the bike -traction, when and why do we loose it -and many more depending on the level of rider Who is this course for? If you are new to Mountain Biking or your off road experience has mostly been on gravel roads, then this is a must do before riding our East Coast trails. I will pack as much as possible into the 90 minute course, but you will go home with plenty of homework. There is definitely no shame in taking this MTB - fundamentals course more then once. I will change and adjust the drills according to your skill level until you're ready for the MTB advanced course.

Contact Details


1250 Flatbush Rd, Kingston, NY, USA

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